Ops hates containers! Why?

Martin Alfke @tuxmea tuxmea

B.CON - Monday 4th February 2019 - 14:00 → 14:55

“Docker, Docker, Docker, Docker, …”, developers really love Docker.
Usually one sees the no longer need for configuration management, the easy way to spin up a platform on a laptop, the low resource footprint. But how do you deploy laptops in data centers?

This talk will give you an insight how we (more Ops then Dev) started to learn (and love) containers, the issues we saw when running them in larger scale and how Ops people should start dealing with Container technologies.

Speaker Info

Martin Alfke

Martin is a longtime Puppet user and trainer who supports companies in building IT automation including CI/CD pipelines.
Martin is not a developer, or as he prefers to say: “Naming me a developer is an insult to every developer in the world.”