pulp_ansible: Ansible content storage

Ina Panova ipanova

B.4.039 - Monday 4th February 2019 - 16:30 → 16:55

In this talk, we’ll cover the newest Pulp 3 plugin, pulp_ansible.
Pulp is a platform for managing software packages including RPMs, Python packages, Docker images, and more.
Users can use the pulp_ansible plugin to mirror Ansible Galaxy content locally, upload and organize Ansible content in Pulp, and serve content to Ansible clients.
We’ll also talk about how Ansible Galaxy will be using pulp_ansible as its storage engine to store and serve content.

Speaker Info

Ina Panova

I am a software engineer at Red Hat, working as a core developer and community co-lead of open source upstream project Pulp (https://pulpproject.org/) @ipanova