Ansible - 'Faster-than-light'

Bernhard Hopfenmüller @fobhep

B.1.017 - Tuesday 5th February 2019 - 17:30 → 17:55

In recent years, Ansible has established itself as a standard tool that is frequently used in DevOps, among other areas.
Despite all flexibility and simplicity, the speed of the tool is often criticized.
In this talk we would like to discuss possibilities that can be used to increase the execution speed of Ansible, sometimes with significant profit.
The possibilities range from setting and changing individual configuration parameters to using an external execution framework.
For this purpose we will present test results that show the influence of tweaks.

Speaker Info

Bernhard Hopfenmüller

Bernhard works for ATIX AG as a part-time developer, consultant and trainer in the devops field.
Among other things he works with Ansible, Python, Kafka and Foreman to build beautiful things