I Don't Know What I'm Doing: A Newbie Guide for Golang for DevOps

Peter Souter @petersouter

B.1.017 - Tuesday 5th February 2019 - 12:20 → 12:55

Golang as a language has exploded with popularity since it’s first release in 2009.
It’s now the langauage behind a number of applications core to most organisations operations, such as Docker, Terraform, Kubernetes and etcd.

However, for most people used to scripting interpreted languages like Ruby and Python, it can be a bit hard to get started with. What’s all this err != nil business, and why am I getting errors when I don’t refer to a variable?

In this talk, we’ll be discussing how to learn enough Golang to get into trouble, or at least enough to contribute fixes and features to your favourite infra management tools and apps, with an example of adding a new feature to the Vault Terraform Provider, and the gotcha’s you might experience along the way.

Speaker Info

Peter Souter

Peter Souter is a Technical Account Manager at HashiCorp.
He’s loved CfgMgmtCamp ever since he attended the first in 2014, and has worn various hats, whilst speaking and working with Puppet and HashiCorp tools over the years.