Tarmak, why do we need another Kubernetes provisioner?

Mattias Gees

B.CON - Tuesday 5th February 2019 - 15:00 → 15:55

Tarmak is an open-source toolkit for Kubernetes cluster lifecycle management.
It is focused on best-practice cluster security, management and operation.
This talk will clarify the reasoning behind creating Tarmak, the architecture and technologies used.
With Tarmak we tried to not reinvent the full wheel, that is why we have chosen to depend on a lot open-source tools (Terraform, Puppet, Vault, …).
This talk will explain how all of this is tied together.

Speaker Info

Mattias is a solutions engineer at Jetstack where he helps clients setup Kubernetes clusters and migrate their workloads to it.
He has a deep understanding of Kubernetes and the applications you can run on it.