Terraboard, a web interface to visualize and query Terraform states

Raphaël Pinson @raphink

B.1.015 - Tuesday 5th February 2019 - 11:20 → 12:15

The Terraform project has grown a lot in popularity since its inception in 2015.
Many resources that were not automated as code yet can now be managed this way.
The Terraboard project aims to provide a web interface to visualize and query Terraform states.

Speaker Info

Raphaël Pinson

Raphaël Pinson (aka raphink) is an infrastructure developer and trainer at Camptocamp.

He focuses on automation and the implementation of DevOps practices mainly in Puppet, Docker/Kubernetes/OpenShift/Rancher and Terraform.

He is also involved in the Voxpupuli, Augeas and Terraform communities.